The Importance of Social Media Content Calendars & How They Help You

What is a Social Media Content Calendar?

We are know how important social media is for businesses to communicate with their customers, however keeping on top of the content can be a pain! One of the most effective methods in managing your social media posts as a business or creator is a content calendar!

A social media content calendar is a tool that is used to plan and schedule the best time to post on social media. It helps you to create a strategy for your posts in order to get the most out of your social media marketing efforts.

4 Main Benefits of Using a Social Media Marketing Calendar

Here are 4 of the main reasons why you should use a Social Media Content Calendar

  1. A social media content calendar will help you & your team stay organized as all your content will be managed in one place
  2. You will be better placed to plan ahead and prepare your posts in advanced making you more productive
  3. Ensure consistency as a content calendar will give you that birds eye view on all your current and future content
  4. Overall will save you time, which will save you money!

Types of Social Media Content Calendar Tools

There are many ways for you to track your social media content. Below we have listed the 3 most popular options:

  • Paper or Printables - The simplest of methods and the one that most people probably start with, a paper calendar or printable templates are a good place to start managing your social media strategy and content. Being able to lay out your plans on paper allows you to be more organized and meet your targets!
  • Spreadsheets – Spreadsheets are another popular tool to manage your social media content. Everyone has access to either Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets and they are free to create if you have the knowhow and time! And for those that don't, we have a great content calendar template that may suit your needs. Our calendars are automated and easy to use and can be found 
  • Applications – There are a number of applications that can help you create a social media content calendar. These include Hootsuite, Buffer, SocialFlow, Sprout Social, Later, Metricool and CoSchedule. Most of these applications have free trials or subscriptions to allow you to test to service and see if its right for you although these can get quite expensive!

How to manage your Social Media using our Templates

Looking to grow and market your business on social media? Whether your a content creator or run your own business, we have many templates that will help you manage and stay on top of your social media content!

Plan & Organize content every week with our spreadsheet and printable templates!

Social Media Content Calendar